Monday, May 4, 2015

Dirt Therapy & The Voices in My Head

Spring on High St. 

Today's topic is dirt.

 That's right I'm 32 years old and I still play in the dirt. These days the spring beauty after a long winter is what gets me through the stresses of adult babysitting, other wise known as construction management or business ownership. I used to watch my mother in the garden and thought, how boring that must be, and why would I ever want to get my nails dirty. Now I understand the joy from seeing what seeds we sow. As each bud and stem pierce through the ground almost to say hello like a friend you haven't seen in a while. The blooms counter the happiness of a dog - it's the wagging tail that greets you in the morning - and this tail takes much less work.

When I figure out how to upload pictures - not sure why Picasa is necessary - I find it to be one of the most useless of software's due to its requirement to stall my computer every time I attempt to open a JPEG by uploading every image on my computer since 2009 - I digress, I will upload pictures of my current garden, newly blooming tulips and daffodils, myrtle and creeping sedum. I won't claim to know the name of every species of plant in my garden but I will share with you my findings and their bloom times as I can. While a plan my new garden bed and build a stone wall around my new house I hope to share inspirations and other musings.

Tulips on the left, Upper right Peonies (my fav) & Iris

Grasses are starting to take shape, trees are starting to fill in, the red stems of the Peonies are visible on either side of the fence & Iris are starting to fill in.
Several varieties of blue Hosta, Yucca plants 
(removed these, I am not the biggest fan) 
Ribbongrass, more hosta, sedum, peonies

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