Friday, November 13, 2015

The Grind & Negotiation

  I have been so bogged down in the details and paperwork. Trying to catch my breath and remember to celebrate the small victories.

   Frustrated by the grind and the worst part of my business. It comes at the close of a project, when the final dollar values are totaled and all of the threats and requests for subcontractors to clean up after themselves, provide documentation or manpower are compiled into a mess of additional invoicing and charges that I've incurred due to their negligence. This  somehow in subcontractor minds is my fault and I'm expected to bill the client for these oversights. I don't think so... We hold weekly meetings, distribute meeting minutes, outline these regulations in contracts send emails and verbal notifications but when they receive back charges they call us unprofessional.

How is it we have become a society that pushes all the work one is required to do on to others and make things their problem instead of taking responsibility for our own work? How is it that some people actually then accept this as reality?

 I am beyond frustrated by the lack of understanding that as a Construction Manager I am not a cleaning service, a secretary or blank check. While I dread these conversations I realize that it is apart of this business. And an unattractive part of it.

 These issues clouded my day today however, the bonus and not so small victory of my week is that I know type this from my new office, that has a door!

I press on to ensure my clients get the best and value for the product, I promised to deliver. I remember that as much as I need good subcontractors to perform my work, my main priority is ensuring my client isn't taken advantage of due to negligence by the subcontractors we hire. We can't control the information that people provide to us, people can elaborate on their abilities to get a job, they may even think they are capable. Eventually you find out who has over promised on what they can deliver. Unfortunately sometimes this information can come a little too late, and the person delivering the message may not be capable of hearing your concerns or requests. While I need to be strict and stand my ground on things that seem unreasonable to some, I ultimately try and be as fair as possible when these type of negotiations stain a project.  Ugh. I press on. Another day of the grind and more negotiation practice. Practice makes perfect.

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